Many popular manufacturers are bent on making 2013, the year of smart watches and support the future of wearable technology. The Pebble smart watch is already a Kickstarter success, Apple, LG, and Samsung are both hard at work to get in on this new market. And so is Google.
Earlier today, Android Central posted a report on how Google’s smart watch w/ Google Now makes all of the sense in the world – and it absolutely does. Think about it. An Android-powered smart watch. Multiple homescreens could work. Widget support could be present but on a smaller display, it may not work in Google’s favor. But if you make Google Now the base for this watch, they may just crapped on the competition entirely.
Below is a concept of such a Google Now smart watch by Adrian Maciburko.
Google Now already places information you deem pertinent at your grasp in a timely manner. Info like weather conditions, appointments, flight delays, birthdays, sports scores, and more. Usually on a separate screen on Android smartphones, this would pretty much be the heart. This also eliminates many smart watches acting as a bridge between you and your smartphone.
I personally haven’t been too interested in the whole smart watch hype. But if something like this even remotely comes to life, I’m on board. Besides this would look great with Google Glass.
What do you think about the matter? Am I crazy or not alone to want this?