In case you thought this year’s Google I/O was just gonna be about Glass and Android Wear? You were wrong. The folks over at Bloomberg published a featured story w/ the head of Android Sundar Pichai to give us all a heads up on what to expect. Here’s what he had to say on the matter:

 This year, Pichai will preview the next release (Lollipop? Lemonhead?) for the first time at I/O, rather than waiting until the fall. It’s a significant shift toward greater transparency. “I want the world to understand what we are doing sooner,” he says.

new L Android


So we last saw Android at KitKat and now we’re headed for something that starts w/ the letter L.  It could be Android Lemonhead, Lollipop,  or something else.  Also we’re not sure on whether or not it would be version 4.5 or 5.0.

We do know that an image leaked last night on Reddit (seen above) that could resemble the next big take of Android. I’m hoping we see the new Ok Google Everywhere feature spotted in previous leaks.

Whatever the case we won’t have long of a wait as I/O kicks off in less than. 24 hours.

Bloomberg Businessweek

Categories: Android Mobile