VZW store logoEarlier this week among the midst of all of the Apple news, Verizon added a new tier to their latest data offerings.  We told you about the S, M, L, XL data plans and they now unveiled a 5th option for you to choose from.

So you now have the XXL option offering 18GB of data for $100 per month.  Keep in mind that you’ll have to still pay $20 per device and $10 per tablet or mobile hotspot.  The good news is that this option is a better deal than AT&T’s 15GB data plan for $100.  The bad news is that this is for a limited time only.  

Make sure you choose wisely as there is quite the penalty to pay for going over your data.  The charge is $15 per GB you go over.  Yikes!  So go over your metrics to see what how much you need and plan accordingly.  


Categories: Mobile Verizon